We are a loving, caring family, reaching the community with God's LOVE


We have a rich array of services to help mature you, plug in!
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6-8 PM
This is a prayer and fellowship service

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6-8 PM
Prayer and Bible Study service

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9-10 AM
A leadership training service

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10-12 PM
A worship service for the church 

Our Vision

To see unsaved people become FRUITFUL DISCIPLES of Jesus Christ.

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Our Mission

We are a sending and reproducing church, raising up missional servant leaders who are prepared to reach out to the world to multiply disciples, leaders and churches for Christ

Our Concentration

To live out this mission, our concentration will be;



Reaching out with good news to the lost people (COMMUNITY)


Helping believers learn the fundamentals of the Christian life (CROWD)


Helping Christians develop a consistent walk with the lord (CONGREGATION)


Equipping disciples to become spiritual reproducers (COMMITTED)


Building disciples to become spiritual leaders (CORE)


Cell based communities
Our basic building block is the cell. Through cells, we bring people together with a diversity of gifts to accomplish ministry, provide pastoral care and discipleship, fellowship and develop leaders.

Multilevel leadership

Each leader is responsible for developing apprentice leaders by resourcing and equipping them for ministry in the church. We provide leaders with opportunities to learn by doing in a safe environment.

Biblical teaching

We are committed to regular topical and expository preaching and teaching that help believers see biblical truths in its context. We preach to transform not to reform people, to equip Christians to think and live biblically.


We are passionate about the believer becoming fully devoted follower of Christ. We expect every believer to grow in their relationship with God, to move from a decision for Christ to a fully devoted follower of Christ. 
Love the Lord your God

Celebrating God's presence in our lives & glorifying His name
We are made to worship, and through the grace of Jesus, we are called to worship him alone. Our four values of worship are:
1) Christ-Centered,
2) Spirit-Filled,
3) Prayer Saturated,
4) Community of Love. 

Love your neighbour as yourself

Meeting needs through love and servanthood

We are called to serve and love our church, city, and world. Our four values of service are:
1) Workplace Ministry,
2) Purposeful Stewardship,
3) Radical Generosity,
4) Servant-Hearted. 

Go and make disciples

Sharing Good news of Christ with the lost

We have been called as a church to seek out the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ. Our five values of multiply are:
1) God-Focused,
2) Evangelism,
4) Cultural Engagement,
5) Church Planting. 

Baptizing them

Christians connecting with one another through community and relationships. We have been redeemed into the community of God and His family—the Church. Our five values of community are:
1) Accountability,
2) Exercising Spiritual Gifts,
3) Serving One Another,
4) Training & Equipping.

Teaching them to obey

Teaching Christians God's truth and necessity of obeying His word. This involves building a relationship between a discipler and a disciple with these components;  
1) Intentional relationships 
2) Availability to the other. 
3) Authenticity. 
4) Vulnerability in communication. 
5) Accountability 
6) Responsibility to the Gospel.  


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Leading people to Christ
We have been called out by Jesus to seek after those who are lost and broken. We are directed to love them, care for them, and share the gospel with them. It is our mission as a church to see as many people come to faith in Christ and become radical disciples (followers) of Him. 

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Growing people to spiritual maturity
We mold and develop Christians into passionate disciples of Jesus. We help new Christians mature into faithful followers of Christ through meaningful communities. Through network of small groups, classes and seminars and ministry initiatives we provide a context for spiritual growth 

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Equipping people with ministry skills
Through classes, mentoring relationships and service opportunities we develop servants and servant leaders. We develop leaders by investing in people through relationships in the context of ministry under the guidance of a ministry mentor. Modeling is build into our ministry through apprentice relationship.  

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Releasing servant leaders into the community and the world
We export believers to the city through market place ministry by equipping people to work with excellence and ministry distinctiveness in their vocation, renewing and expanding the church in the community through evangelism, church planting and missions. 

Empowering Leadership


We affirm the responsibility of every disciple & equip each to fulfil and serve Christ's mission

Intentional Discipleship-making


We bring the converted into the starture of the fullness of Christ

Spirit-filled Worship


Live everyday as an outflow of love and devotion to God

Holistic Small Groups


Engage with other believers in edification, communion and evangelism

Fruitful Evangelism


We are outward focused, reaching our community with the Good news

Authentic Relationships


We are a community of growing disciples living real and unguarded life

Great Commission Driven


We are committed to the greatest passion of God-souls

Church Planting


We are a reproducing and multiplying community


These are Life Groups that allow for accountability, discipleship, fellowship, & Growth.
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Committed to helping Kids become fully devoted followers of Christ through experiential adventures.

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Seeking to help them cultivate a passion for God and His people . Ignited Teens..

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Empowering every woman to "adorn the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" effectively.

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Challenging all men to take their place in relationships, leadership and leaving a legacy.


Loving like Jesus
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True spiritual maturity can best be measured by one thing—how close are we to God? This is our ultimate and highest calling—to walk with God just as Adam walked with Him—daily. If restoration is continuing in our life, we will be getting closer and closer to the Lord. Again, “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing,” and this is the main thing.

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We have each been given a garden that we are called to cultivate. Yes, man was created to labor. The second most important thing that we all have is a purpose. We were created to have purpose in our life—to have a garden to cultivate. We must keep the cares and the worries of the world from choking out the seeds that bear fruit for God’s purposes.

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Man was created to be fruitful and to multiply. This is about being productive on the earth. The Lord has put within us the need to see results from our labor. The more fruit we see, the more satisfied and fulfilled we will be. This was also about our purpose in having children and family, which is usually one of the greatest drives in a person’s life.

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Man was given to have dominion over the earth and all that is in it. Every one of us needs a realm of authority for which we are responsible. Those who do not have this will have a deep feeling of incompleteness, and then will try to usurp, or wrongly use authority to fill this void. We are restored back to the place of authority


Setting examples 1 Timothy 4:12
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Youth Community

We ARE a Christ focused, true community seeking to engage the world in God's redemptive work in progress and to impact our generation through Discovery groups with the saving grace.

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19-23 YEARS

Students make a course greater than themselves, to reach their peers with the good news of Jesus Christ in a loving, contagious and relational way and to make Christ-like believers of the youth.

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24-30 YEARS

All the youths in the market place living out the life of Christ and modeling the transformed life in industry setting. They then become the fragrance of God's love to the colleagues in industry.

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They offer guidance and direction to the younger generation and showcase the fruit of the Spirit by experience of their handling the word of truth with time. They take up higher assignments. 


Putting on Christ Romans 13:14
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Reaching their peers with the good news of Jesus Christ in a loving, contagious, and relational way. A community of peers that will lift, encourage and challenge.

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A place to wrestle through the issues of faith and have them challenged, corrected, and reinforced in a powerful, personal, and safe way. A faith settling experience

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A bond of believers who know their struggles, can pray and encourage them to share off their weight and walk through life in dependence of the power of Christ.

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A place to discover gifts and outlets to serve others. Be part of something big, something of value, something that will change the world and impact humanity. 


Trained for establishment Proverbs 22:6
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Triumph Kids offers Grade specific classes which allow children to bond with kids of their own ages for a more productive learning environment

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Our loving mentor and teachers utilize creative techniques which allow children to understand and to apply sound Biblical teachings at home, at church, at school, and at play.

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We provide all this learning, sharing and fun in a safe environment which allows parents to relax, to feel comfortable, and to focus as they receive a message from God.

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Children play games with a Christ-like attitude; Listen to music from a Christiam perspective; Discuss current events with teachers; and learn God's word and develop spiritually and emotionally.

1. Praise & Worship


Leads the church to cultivate the desire to experience a deeper reality of the awesome presence in their daily life, and to know the joy of taking His presence into the world.

2. Discipleship


In Matthew 28:18-20, we are commanded to make disciples. Our passion is to move a convert to a believer, then to a mature Christian, to a reproducing Disciple

3. Stewards


Stewards are spiritual ambassadors for the local church – God’s ordained and organized body of believers. The stewards serves as a “first representative” of Jesus Christ for a worship service. Includes Park attendants, Ushers, Hospitality & Protocol.

4. Couples


Our passion is to have thriving marriages that demonstrate God's pattern and reproduce a godly generation. We believe that marriage is God's instrument to model the life of Christ and the Church and is therefore at the center of God's kingdom expansion plan

5. Connect


We are committed to building connections that keep our visitors engaged and responsive, and more importantly inducting them into the body of believers. Our goal is to make every believer feel engaged by matching them area of ministry that matches their gifting.

6. Mercy


We believe the church is God’s chosen instrument for ministering to the less privileged, and that we have been chosen to participate in this mission. We praise God for the opportunity to share his love with the poor, the sick and those in prison.

7. Hospitality


Stewards are spiritual ambassadors for the local church – God’s ordained and organized body of believers. The stewards serves as a “first representative” of Jesus Christ for a worship service. Includes Park attendants, Ushers, Hospitality & Protocol.

8. Media


The world needs Jesus, and the very people we want to reach with the gospel are involved in media. We must actively engage them with the hope that is in us. If we hope to share Jesus with them, we need to go where they already are.

9. Security


These are ministers that help us prepare for emergencies. A church ought to be as prepared as possible for everything from an injured church member to a heart attack victim to a weather threat to an armed intruder.

10. Creative Arts


At Triumph Church, we integrate and unleash the power of creative arts, communications, production and worship ministry efforts for the purpose of telling the story of Jesus and advancing the kingdom.

House Fellowships

The cell group is the basic unit of life of The Triumph Church. The “DNA” of the church is contained in the cell group. That is, the purposes of the church are carried out in the cell.


Clay City Zone

All the cells within Clay City Ward in Kasarani constituency.

Mwiki Zone

All the cells within Mwiki ward in Kasarani constituency.

Hunters Zone

All the cells within the Hunters estate

Kasarani Zone

All the cells within the Kasarani ward

Sunton Zone

All the cells within Sunton Estate 

Partner With Us

There are many ways you can be part of what the Lord is doing...
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The most powerful tool we have at our disposal is prayer. We firmly believe in the power of prayer and are asking for your commitment to stand with us in prayer daily for God to send people willing to work; provide opportunities for gospel witness; and soften hearts for gospel witness.. We invite you to join our mailing list for updates and prayer requests

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One of the greatest ways to impact the community is to join our family of disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are a caring, loving and growing team and would love to have you join our mission and vision. Engage in our church through our website, serving, missions, and ministry events. You can also raise other partners to support this vision.

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In order to be effective, strong and reach God’s people, we need partners who are willing to give financially to the vision. Your generosity will allow us to live and maintain a level of excellence in all that we do. We would value your commitment in giving financially either as a one-time gift or by establishing a long term partnership.

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Your contribution can find expression through the local church. The local church is the visible representation of the Body of Christ in a single location and at a particular time. Jesus Christ is the Head and each believer is spiritually related to all other believers in an inter-dependent way. This way people can see how the Body of Christ function.


You can give for variety of purposes; Tithes, Offerings, First-fruits, Missions, Project.


Write a cheque to;
The Triumph Church
Then deposit in our account


PayBill No. 247247
Account: 701060
OR 1330279050038
Confirmation through 0794 607010


The Triumph Church
Equity Bank, Kahawa Branch
Account No. 1330279050038

Contact Us


+254 794 607010
+254 0101607010 




Facebook: The Triumph Church
Instagram: Thetriumphchurch
Twitter: Thetriumphchurch  


Sunton Stage
Opp Penda Medical Centre
First Street

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Contact Us

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Special Programs & Transitions

These are transition interventions to help belivers navigate the turns of life.

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Ropes Program

ROPES (Rights of Passage Experiences) is designed to assist teens between the ages of 13-14 transition from childhood into young adulthood. ROPES was developed out of a need to give our young people guided transition from childhood to adulthood.

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Imara Program

This is a transition program for those who have completed their high school education and are about to get into tertiary education. It is designed to prepare them for the next phase of life by equipping them to manage their freedom. It is a mentorship and leadership training program.

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Soko Ministry

Holistic Mission addresses the whole person within the whole world of creation. Marketplace ministry labors to lay down certain critical foundations that equip believers to be effective ministers in their industry. It is designed to help believers use their skills to gain access to industry and maintain support as a means of ‘being all things to all people in order to save some’ (1 Corinthians 9:22).

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The Bridge

This is a transition program for the newlyweds. The first year of marriage is incredibly important for future happiness. We believe that it is important for couples to be in an environment where they can figure out how to live as partners without getting stuck, without developing bad habits that might trap them later. It’s a time to establish good patterns and ways of being together that should continu

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Mwamba Program

The need for a reorientation outward and embarking on a journey in mission for fresh graduates is critical—so is the need for an understanding of our Christian vocation and calling that includes a new appreciation of the role our daily work can play in the mission of God.

News & Updates

Keep it here for what is coming up or happening

Women of Essence (for ladies) Comes every first Sunday of the month

Our Home Cells run every Monday, Wednesday & Friday in YOUR location

Our prayer vigil happens every last Friday of the Month at the Sanctuary

Comes every holiday; April, August & November

Our annual conference comes in November

Our Foundation classes run every Sunday 9:00-10:00 am

Our team

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Francis Omedo
Lead Pastor
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Leah Wambui
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Antony Mwangi
Lead Pastor (Nakuru)
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Nancy Wanjiru
Pastor (Nakuru) 

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